Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Importing Point Features

Point features can be imported as points (zero length lines), cells, or text.

Point Features

This option allows the user to define the usual symbology entries available for all feature types.

Cell Features

In addition to the symbology options, a cell library and cell name can be defined. Appropriate values for scale and angle can be entered.

In addition, the values for Angle and scale can be selected from a property of the feature as below. Or the current active angle or scale can be selected.

Text Features

In addition to the symbology options, either a literal string or a PBA expression can be defined. A property can be selected from the list or keyed in to the PBA Expression field. Literals can be combined with property names.

For example, if the name and area are required when importing then the PBA Expression could be:

Name = [PPPTNAME]\010Type=[PPPTTYPE]

Which would result in:

The \010 causes a newline to be created in the resulting text string.

If a property value is empty then the resulting string will contain the name of the property. Invalid features can easily be selected using the Select By tool.

The same options for Angle and Scale are available as with the Cell option.